Did you know Asthma can be treated with Ayurveda? if not then you must read this

 Did you know Asthma can be treated with Ayurveda? if not then you must read this

Asthma is a respiratory disease that makes breathing difficult. In asthma, there is inflammation of the airways, due to which the airways become constricted(Constriction). Asthma is of two types Extrinsic and Intrinsic asthma.

External asthma is caused by external allergens such as animals and dust. Whereas Internal asthma is caused by inhaling certain chemical agents such as cigarette smoke, paint fumes, etc. So today we're going to tell you about how to treat asthma with Ayurveda.

The treatment of asthma lasts for a long time. No permanent solution has been found so far for asthma. It can be treated with Ayurveda.

According to Ayurveda specialists, Roasting a banana, removing its peel, cutting it into pieces sprinkling black pepper on it, and giving it to asthma patients is beneficial.

Apart from this, the patient with asthma also gets relief from garlic tea. Consuming garlic cloves boiled in milk daily is beneficial in the early stages of asthma.

Clove Tea

It is known to all that clove tea is effective for cold and cough, but adding celery in hot water and taking steam, also provides relief in controlling asthma. Tulsi is also very beneficial in controlling asthma.