Diabetic: How to Ensure Your Blood Sugar Remains Under Control, AIIMS Expert Explains

Learn how to keep an eye on your blood sugar levels to manage your diabetes efficiently. Learn the crucial rules for postprandial, fasting, and HbA1c measurements to make sure your blood sugar is within acceptable bounds. Remain educated and provide your circle of diabetic patients with these essential advice.

 Diabetic: How to Ensure Your Blood Sugar Remains Under Control, AIIMS Expert Explains

Diabetic: Effective diabetes management is essential for preserving general health and avoiding complications. Dr. Priyanka Sehrawat provided vital instructions for diabetic patients on how to check if their blood sugar levels are under control on her Instagram account. First and foremost, Dr. Sehrawat stresses the need of keeping an eye on fasting blood sugar levels, which have to be measured before to eating.

Monitoring Fasting Blood Sugar

"If your fasting blood sugar, i.e., blood sugar before eating food, is less than 130 mg/dL, you are on the right track," she explains. She then emphasizes the importance of postprandial blood sugar, which is determined two hours following a meal. "Whether it's breakfast, lunch, dinner, or any meal, if your blood sugar is less than 180 mg/dL after two hours of eating, it indicates good control," she says.

HbA1c, which shows the average blood sugar level over the previous three months, is another important metric. Dr. Sehrawat advises, "If your HbA1c is less than 7%, it means you are managing your diabetes well with your medications, lifestyle changes, and exercises."

When Blood Sugar Levels Exceed Safe Limits

Additionally, Dr. Sehrawat warns that blood sugar levels beyond these benchmarks indicate poorly controlled diabetes. "You need to meet your doctor again if your blood sugar is not below these values. Alterations in medication, diet, and lifestyle may be necessary," she advises.

In order to raise awareness and encourage improved health management, Dr. Sehrawat lastly exhorts her followers to impart this important knowledge to diabetes patients in their social or family circles. Patients with diabetes may make sure they are on the correct track for successfully treating their illness and upholding a healthy lifestyle by adhering to these recommendations.