All you need to know about Monkeypox

 All you need to know about Monkeypox

Monkeypox (MPX) is an acute viral disease and large number of its cases are currently noted across the world. The first case of MPX in India was confirmed in Kerala on Thursday.

Monkeypox is caused by the MPX virus. The virus is part of the orthopoxvirus genus, which includes the virus that causes smallpox.

Monkeypox is primarily transmitted human-to-human through:

  1. Direct Physical Contact: Contact with bodily fluids, sexual contact or lesion material
  2. Indirect Contact: Through contaminated clothing or linens of affected person
  3. Large respiratory droplets as a result of prolonged close contact.

Also Read: Monkeypox infectivity very less, but can be fatal for children: Expert

Common symptoms of Monkeypox

  1. Fever
  2. Skin rashes (starting from face spreading to arms, legs, palms, and soles)
  3. Lymph node enlargement
  4. Headache, Muscle Ache or Exhaustion
  5. Sore throat and cough

Is it deadly?

According to the CDC, 1 in every 10 casesTrusted Source of monkeypox will result in death.

Severe cases are more likely to cause death. Risk factors for severe cases include:

  1. being younger
  2. having prolonged exposure to the virus
  3. having poor overall health
  4. developing complications

Individuals who have history of exposure to a suspected/confirmed case of MPX in the last 21 days should monitor their health and should seek medical attention if they exhibit these symptoms.

Is there a treatment ?

Currently, no treatment is available for monkeypox. Smallpox vaccine has been reported to reduce the risk of monkeypox among previously vaccinated persons in Africa.

Guidelines to follow if someone you know has monkeypox

  1. Isolate infected individual. Patient should be managed in isolation.
  2. Minimize infected individual's exposure to surrounding areas by covering their nose and mouth with a mask and skin lesions with a sheet or gown.
  3. Inform immediate health facility
  4. Avoid contact with contaminated materials such as bedding, clothes or towels used by the infected individual.
  5. Maintain hand hygiene using soap and water or alcohol-based sanitizers.

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