4 tips to keep your lips Fluffy and squishy in winter

 4 tips to keep your lips Fluffy and squishy in winter

Nobody ever likes cracked, dry lips! everyone wants their lips to be smooth & soft, So this winter, go the extra mile to satisfy your lips with these easy home remedies.

The winter season is attributed to cold and dryness. Like the rest of the body parts, lips are also an essential part of our body and at times we end up ignoring it. The frosty weather and cold winds tend to make them dry, cracked and even the skin shed off. So, you should definitely take care of your lips with the utmost seriousness!

Below are some tips and hacks which will help you to keep your lips moisturized, soft and healthy during the entire winter season.

1. Don’t lick them too often

It is a basic human propensity that we end up licking the lips more often in winters because the lips get dried easily. Lip licking can even lead to a chronic condition called lip licker's dermatitis.

2. Apply a good quality lip balm

The easiest and most common hack to keep your lips healthy and fuller is using a good quality balm (paraben and alcohol-free) at night. Your lips undergo deep nourishment and moisturization while you are asleep.

3. Add a protective layer for lips

It is recommended that you use sunscreen with Sun Protection Factor (SPF) along with the lip balm while going out of the house in the daytime. SPF acts as a protective layer to prevent them from getting pigmented and dried.

4. Keep yourself hydrated

It is but obvious that if the body is hydrated enough, so would the lips be. In winter, we don’t feel very thirsty but it is our responsibility that we keep a check on the number of times we drink water in a day. We must drink water more often in winters to keep ourselves hydrated.