ENTERTAINMENT Foreign influencers on Instagram slammed for painting mask on face to enter Bali store Devisha Keshri Apr 28, 2021 10:17 GMT Two Instagram influencers Josh Paler Lin and Leia Se are facing a backlash as the video of the duo where Lin used makeup to paint the appearance of a blue surgical mask onto Se’s face instead of using an original mask to enter a supermarket in Bali, Indonesia goes viral. The two are now facing the possibility of deportation for the video, which they say was a prank played out only for the entertainment of their followers, reports Newsweek. The viral video shows them trying to enter a local supermarket in Bali. Leia was stopped by a security guard at the entrance because she was not wearing a mask. Josh and Leia returned to their car, where Josh proceeded to paint a face mask on Leia's face. Later, the duo was allowed inside as the painted face mask did look somewhat like a real mask, complete with white straps, as long as Se didn’t open her mouth. “Did you notice like no one’s actually looking at you?” Lin is heard in the video. “Exactly, because it looks real,” the woman replied. “No one noticed! Even the security. I can’t believe this works,” Lin continued bragging about the stunt while the woman laughed. Although the video was taken down after Josh and Leia faced severe backlash for potentially putting other shoppers at risk, Niluh Djelantik, a Balinese designer and politician, re-posted the video to call the influencers out for their prank. “These two people don’t have empathy, in fact making Covid-19 a joke,” slammed Djelantik. “Don’t let them step on Bali’s dignity,” Djelantik added, tagging the immigration office to take strict action against them. Josh and Leia briefly made their Instagram accounts private after the backlash. On Friday, Josh posted a video where he and Leia formally apologised for the stunt alongside their attorney. Josh and Leia are now facing the possibility of deportation. According to Coconuts Bali, Indonesian immigration confirmed that their passports have been seized adding that a decision on deportation would be finalized after Public Order Agency (Satpol PP) officers question the influencers. viral prank Read More Read the Next Article