EDUCATION UGC NET Admit Cards: UGC NET admit cards will be out soon Surbhi Gupta Sep 27, 2021 07:36 GMT NTA will soon release UGC NET admit cards anytime. The national eligibility test (NET) will be conducted by the national testing agency (NTA) on behalf of the university grants commission (UGC) on October 6-8 and October 17-19. Once released, candidates can download their hall tickets by visiting the official website, UGC NET 2021 admit card: Steps to download Step1: First visit the official website, Step2: On the homepage, click on the UGC NET hall ticket link. Step3: Login using the required credentials such as application number and date of birth. Step4: The UGC NET admit card will display on the screen. Step5: Download and take a printout for future use. Important things to carry on exam day On the exam day, candidates should carry an admit card along with a self-declaration form downloaded from the website, a simple transparent ballpoint pen, additional photograph to be pasted on the attendance sheet, personal hand sanitizer, mask, personal transparent water bottle and sugar tablets, a fruit for diabetic students. In case of inability to download admit card “In case a candidate is unable to download an Admit Card from the website, he/she may approach the Help Line of NTA between 09:30 am to 5:30 pm or write to NTA at: [email protected],” the NTA has said. ugc Read More Read the Next Article