EDUCATION: Total 200 vacancies available in Delhi Postal Circle, earn upto Rs 81,000
India Post Recruitment 2021: India Post has invited all the interested and eligible candidates for the recruitment of Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistant, Postman and MTS cadre under sports quota (from 0pen market) in Delhi circle. The candidates can apply for India Post Recruitment 2021 for 221 vacancies through offline application mode.
The last date to send an application for Postal Assistant, Postman & Multi Tasking Staff under sports quota in Delhi Circle is November 12.
Delhi Postal Circle Recruitment 2021: Vacancy details
Total posts: 221
Name of the post
Postal Assistant - 72 posts
Postman - 90 posts
Multi-Tasking Staff - 59 posts
Education qualification required
For Postal/Sorting Assistant: The candidates must have passed Class 12 or equivalent examination from a recognised board/university.
For Postman: Class 12 pass from a recognised board. Knowledge of the local language (i.e., Hindi). The candidate should have studied a local language (i.e., Hindi) at least up to the 10th standard.
For MTS: Class 10 pass from a recognised board. Knowledge of the local language (i.e., Hindi). The candidate should have studied a local language (i.e., Hindi) at least up to 10th standard.
Delhi Postal Circle Recruitment 2021: Pay scale
Postal Assistant - Level 4 in the Pay Matrix Rs 25,500 to Rs 81,000
Sorting Assistant - Level 5 in the Pay Matrix of Rs 21,700 to Rs 59, 100
Multi Tasking Staff - Level 1 in the Pay Matrix of Rs 18,000 to Rs 56, 900
Selection process
Selection of candidates will be made on the basis of educational and sports qualifications subject to fulfilment of other prescribed conditions.
Important dates
An application should reach the concerned official by November 12.
How to apply
The eligible candidates can download the application from the Recruitment Section on India Post i.e.
Duly filled in applications with all attested copies of certificates and enclosures is to be sent to the following address - The AD (Recrtt.), O/o CPMG, Delhi Circle, Meghadoot Bhawan, New Delhi - 11000.