EDUCATION: ONGC Recruitment 2021, apply for 309 vacancies

 EDUCATION: ONGC Recruitment 2021, apply for 309 vacancies

ONGC Recruitment 2021: The Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited, ONGC has released an official notification inviting candidates for the recruitment of GTs (E1 Level) in Engineering & Geo-science disciplines through GATE-2021 score. The online application process to fill up a total of 309 vacancies for Graduate Trainees has started on the official website, the link for which is

Important Dates

The last date to apply for ONGC Recruitment 2021 through GATE 2021 is November 1, 2021.

How to apply

Log on to the official website-

On the homepage, click on, "Career" tab and then select "Recruitment Notice."

Click on, "Recruitment of GTs in Engineering & Geoscience disciplines through GATE 2021 score."

Search for the link which says, "Click here for Online Application Process for Recruitment of GTs through GATE 2021 score."

Click on the "New Applicants" Tab. Kindly enter the GATE registration number and mail id.

Read the instructions and tick the box in the bottom and press "Continue."

Fill in all the details. While filling "Month and year of passing "for the Qualifying degree.

Upload photo with the signature.

Click on "Preview" button to see the preview.

Pay the application fee and click on submit.