EDUCATION: Assam rifle Recruitment for 1230 Technical and Tradesmen posts

 EDUCATION: Assam rifle Recruitment for 1230 Technical and Tradesmen posts

Assam Rifle has invited applications for 1230 posts of Technical and Tradesman posts. Eligible and interested candidates are required to to apply for the posts by October 25, 2021. You can check the other important information on the official website-

Important Dates

The last date to apply for 1230 technical and tradesman posts is October 25, 2021.

Eligibility Criteria

The candidates should have passed their class 10th board exam or any other equivalent exam. Candidates who have passed their class 12th exam or completed their Bachelors degree are also eligible to apply.

Age Limit

As per the official notification released by Assam rifle, candidates should be minimum 18 years of age and a maximum of 23 years of age.Candidates should not be born later than August 1, 2003, and earlier than August 1, 1998.

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How To Apply For Assam Rifle Recruitment 2021

Visit the official page -

Now, click on the online application option on the website.

A new window will appear on the screen.

Fill in the application form and other details

Take a printout of the application form for future use.

Candidates are suggested to keep a check on the official website of Assam rifle for more information.

Direct Link To The Official Notification.