EDUCATION: Apply for programmer and other posts @

 EDUCATION: Apply for programmer and other posts @

UPPSC Recruitment 2021: The Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission, UPPSC has released an official notification inviting all the interested and eligible candidates for Programmer, Computer Operator, and Manager vacancies.

The online application process has started and the last date to deposit the fees is November 29. Further, the last date to fill out the online application is December 3.

UPPSC Recruitment 2021: Vacancy details

Total posts: 5

Name of the post

Programmer Grade-2: 1 post

Computer Operator Grade ''B" on UP Public service Commission: 3 posts

Manager (System) in the Industrial development department which may increase/decrease depending upon the circumstances/ requirements: 1 post

How to apply for UPPSC Recruitment 2021:

First Stage: On clicking "Apply", Candidate Registration will be displayed. The basic registration form will be displayed by clicking the 'Candidate Registration' respective to Examination. After filling out the basic registration form, the candidates must check all the information filled out by them. If any correction / modification is required, click on the "Edit" button and ensure the required corrections / modifications.

After being fully satisfied with all the information filled in, click on 'Submit Button'. Consequently, the registration for the first stage will be over. Thereafter, a "Print Registration Slip" will be displayed and a Print of Registration Slip must be taken by clicking on Print Registration Slip.

Second Stage: After the completion of the first stage, 'Fee to be deposited [in INR]' shall be displayed with the caption "Click here to proceed for payment". After clicking the above caption of "Click here to proceed for payment", the home page of State Bank MOPS (Multi Option Payment System) shall be displayed comprising 03 modes of payment viz. (i) NET BANKING (ii) CARD PAYMENTS and (iii) OTHER PAYMENT MODES.

After depositing the required fee by any one of the above prescribed modes, "Payment Acknowledgement Receipt (PAR)" shall be displayed along with details of fee deposit, the print of which must be taken by clicking on "Print Payment Receipt."

Third Stage: On completion of the procedure of the second stage, click on "Proceed for final submission of application form as a result of which 'format' shall be displayed. The candidates are required to enter all the required information in the format. The photo and signature, duly scanned, shall be uploaded also.

Application fee

Unreserved category/ other backward class / economically weaker section - Rs 225

SC/ST category - Rs 105

Handicapped candidates - Rs 25

Ex-serviceman - Rs 105

Important dates to remember

Last date for receipt of examination fee on-line at the bank: November 29, 2021

Last date for online submission of application: December 3, 2021.