EDUCATION EDUCATION: Apply For Post Graduate Assistants Posts Now Surbhi Gupta Sep 17, 2021 07:51 GMT The Teachers Recruitment Board, Tamil Nadu has invited applications from candidates to apply for Post Graduate Assistants posts. Candidates can apply for the posts through the official site of TRB TN on Important Dates Commencement of submission of application through online mode is September 16, 2021. The last date to apply for the posts is till October 17, 2021. Date of the computer based exam is October 13, 2021, October 14, 2021 and October 15,2021. Vacancy details This recruitment drive will fill up 2207 posts in the organisation. Eligibility Criteria i.Candidates who obtained a Degree (UG/PG) after undergoing a courses of one year duration (Double degree / Dual degree / etc.) are not eligible to apply for this recruitment. ii. Candidates who obtained any of the required qualifications (SSLC, HSC (or) its equivalent, U.G Degree, P.G Degree, B.Ed Degree) simultaneously are not eligible to apply for this recruitment. iii. As per G.O.Ms.No.361 School Education Department dated 31.12.1999, candidates should have studied the same subject or its equivalent subject in Bachelor's Degree and Master’s Degree. iv. The candidates not having prescribed qualifications, as on the last date of submission of filled-in online application, shall not be eligible to apply for the examination. The candidates should satisfy themselves about their eligibility before applying. v. Equivalent Qualifications: If a candidate claims that the educational qualification in the subject possessed by him/her is equivalent to, though not the same, as those prescribed for the appointment, he/she has to produce the subject equivalence G.O issued by the Government of Tamil Nadu at the time of Certificate Verification. Selection Procedure The selection will be based on two successive stages : a. Computer based examination b. Certificate Verification job jobs employment jobalert naukri Read More Read the Next Article