AWES Teachers Recruitment 2022: Apply for 8700 posts

 AWES Teachers Recruitment 2022: Apply for 8700 posts

Army Welfare Education Society (AWES) has activated the online application link for Online Screening Test’. Candidates who are interested for appearing in AWES OST 2022, can apply for Army Public School Recruitment upto 28 February 2022 on its official website

AWES will conduct the exam for all the registered candidates on 19 and 20 February 2022 for which the admit card shall be available from 10 February 2022. APS Teacher Exam Notification shall be uploaded on the official website anytime soon.

Educational qualification:

To be eligible to apply for the recruitment of PGT, the candidates must have passed their post-graduation and B.Ed with at least 50 per cent marks. For the TGT, the qualification criteria are graduation degree and B.Ed with a minimum of 50 per cent marks whereas for the PRT recruitment, the candidates need to have a graduation degree and a Two-year Diploma in Elementary Education or B.Ed. Additionally, the candidate must ensure fulfilment NCTE rules and notification for minimum qualification.

Agr limit:

Candidates with less than 5 years of work experience need to be below the age of 40 years for being eligible for the recruitment. For experienced candidates with more than 5 years of teaching experience in the last 10 years, the maximum age limit is 57 years.

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AWES Teachers Recruitment 2022: Steps to apply for the vacancies

  • Visit the official website of AWES -
  • Click on registration link under “OST (Online Screening Test) for Selection of Teachers in Army Public Schools” available on the homepage
  • Follow the registration process and fill the AWES Teachers Recruitment 2022 application form
  • Pay the fee and submit the AWES Teachers Recruitment 2022 form
  • Download the AWES Teachers Recruitment 2022 form and take a printout of it for future reference

Exam Fee

The exam-taking authority will charge Rs 385 as an examination fee. Candidates must know that the fee is non-refundable.

Selection Process

The recruitment of Teachers will be through three stages- Screening Test, Interview Round, and Evaluation of Teaching Skills and Computer Proficiency. Candidates who clear the Screening Test will be eligible to appear the Interview Round.

(For more updates stay tuned with DNP India)