VASTU TIPS: Don't keep these five things in your bedroom, they are the cause of negativity

 VASTU TIPS: Don't keep these five things in your bedroom, they are the cause of negativity

However, every room in the house has its own significance. But the bedroom has a different significance for couples.If there is vastu dosh in the house, you have to face a lot of difficulties like conflict with your partner, fights, low slander, suffocation and irritability, etc. If you feel negativity in your bedroom, immediately remove these five things from your room.

Picture of the deities in the room


If you have a picture of a deity in your room, place it in another place. This is because the bedroom is considered to be the place of Venus which is the planet of enjoyment.For men venus represents his wife. Where Venus resides, it is considered inauspicious to have Brahaspati along with it. Because Brahaspati is devaguru and Venus is the demon guru. Because of this, they are considered to be opposed to each other. Don't even keep a religious book in your room. This will disturb the mood between you and your partner.

Bedsheet Color


Never lay a black sheet on the bed, even if black color is your favourite color or someone has gifted you a black bed sheet. This leads to the combination of Saturn and Venus and leads to fights between the husband and wife. So lay a colourful sheet on your bed so that your life also gets filled with colour.

Taj Mahal as a showpiece


There are many people who keep the Taj Mahal built in the memory of Mumtaz, in their bedroom as a sign of love. But according to Hinduism, it is unfair to have the Taj Mahal in the bedroom because it is actually a tomb.


At the same time, do not put depressing paintings in your room because your mind receives the language of signals very well. Therefore, choose painting thoughtfully.

Electronic Items


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Electronic items are often gifted on the occasion of Diwali or on any other auspicious work. Sometimes we already have the gifted item and in the absence of space, we put them in our bed boxes. Avoid doing so as they represent Rahu. While bedrooms and beds represent Venus.

What to do for good effect?


Place love birds in the south-west direction of your bedroom or house. This will lead to good relations between you and your spouse. Light camphor in your room before going to bed and relieve the rising tension. Enjoy sleep after extinguishing it. Vastu Shastra solves every small and big difficulty, just need to follow the remedy properly.