Top 10 most porn watching countries in the World, Pakistan on the first position

 Top 10 most porn watching countries in the World, Pakistan on the first position

Albeit there are many countries in this world where watching porn is a crime and is banned as per certain laws.But,there are many other countries where large number of people watch porn.As per google search engine Pakistan is on the top position along with China at the second.Surprising thing is that to watch porn in Pakistan,people search different animals like dog,pig and donkey. 


After Pakistan comes Egypt, Vietnam, Iran and Morocco.Watching porn while sitting in the office or workplace is common in China.A research institute called Wenson Born for Blue Coat conducted a survey in 11 countries. It found that most employees view websites despite cyber security threats.Almost 19% employees in China watch porn during work time.In this case Mexico is in  second place and in third is the UK. Iran has the highest youth among watchers.According to the survey maximus audience is below 35 years.In Mexico too large number of audience belongs from youth category.


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The top 10 countries in the world watching movies are as follows


2. Egypt 

3. Vietnam 

4. Iran 

5. Morocco 


7. Saudi Arabia 

8. Turkey 

9. Philippines 

10. Poland