SAWAN KE SOMWAR 2021: Today is the third Monday of Sawan, know why it is called shravan month

 SAWAN KE SOMWAR 2021: Today is the third Monday of Sawan, know why it is called shravan month

The month of Sawan is considered very important in Hinduism. According to the belief, this month rituals are performed to pacify all planetary defects like Kaal Sarp Dosh, Rahu-Ketu Related Defects etc. Do you know why this month is considered very important for calming down planetary defects?Here's the answer.

What is the point behind the name of Shravan?


Lord Shiva loves the month of Shravan. Keeping in mind the legend, it is believed that Sanat Kumar asked Lord Shiva why he loved the month of Sawan. Lord Shiva was very happy to hear this from Sanat Kumar. He told Sanat Kumar that he wanted to listen to the fruits of this month. That is why this month is called Shravan. At the same time, on the full moon date, the combination of Shravan Nakshatra is formed. One more reason behind why it is called Shravan.


Every day in the month of Sawan, there is a fast and ritual. From the date of pratipada of Krishna Paksha to the full moon date of Shukla Paksha, fast and some rituals are performed. Performing yagnas, pujas and rituals this month removes negativity from life and at the same time eliminates planetary defects.


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In this month, people from all the four ashrams perform puja in their own way. People of Brahmacharya Ashram, Grihastha Ashram, Vanaprastha Ashram and Sanyas Ashram worship Lord Shiva in their own way.


When Lord Shiva is in the form of welfare, he is called Shiva. At the same time, when he is in the form of a destroyer,the one destroying the sin group, he is called har. At the same time, when Lord Shiva removes negativity in a person's life and eliminates his sins, then also he is called har. Therefore, slogans of Har Har Mahadev are raised in Sawan. This eliminates planetary defects.


In the month of Sawan, the Kavadis hold the kavad and chant har har mahadev and get benefits by anointing water on the Shivlinga. 


There is a story behind anointing Lord Shiva with belpatra, datura, bhang and water in the month of Sawan. When the poison came out during the churning of the sea, the poison began to spread all around. Lord Shiva had held this poison in his throat to save the whole world. That is why Mahadev is called neelkanth.


The heat of the poison increased the heat in Lord Shiva's body and his head began to heat up.The surroundings also started burning. Then the deities offered belpatra, etc. to Lord Shiva and bathed him with water. Since then, the jalabhishek is performed.