RELIGIOUS: It is auspicious to see yourself walking on water in a dream, these 5 things are also a sign of wealth

 RELIGIOUS: It is auspicious to see yourself walking on water in a dream, these 5 things are also a sign of wealth

Every person dreams. Some remember dreams and some forget them. All the dreams we see have some meaning. Dreams are both auspicious and inauspicious. Here are some dreams which are considered as auspicious and inauspicious.



If children are seen in a dream then it has many meanings. If a crying baby is seen in the dream, it means that your life may turn into disappointments. This may indicate conflict in your love life. If a child is learning to walk in a dream, it indicates strength and courage in your life.


Dreaming about clothes can also have different meanings according to the dream scripture. If you are wearing new clothes in your dream, then it is a sign of your bright future. Seeing yourself drying clothes in a dream indicates positive changes in your life.If you see torn clothes in your dream, it means you will have to face conflict in love life.


Most dreams about water are considered auspicious. To see water falling in a dream indicates profit in the business. If you drink water in your dream, then you will get back the money you have lended to someone. Seeing yourself walking on water is a sign of great success.


Seeing a green and healthy tree in a dream denotes happiness and prosperity. A plant or a dead tree indicates failure. At the same time, a yellow colored tree indicates that someone in your family is going to get sick. Seeing yourself plucking fruit from a tree indicates that you will get an inheritance from elders in future.


Seeing yourself working in a dream can be a sign of bad luck. This means that you may suffer some loss in your job or business. If you are employing someone in a dream, you may miss a special opportunity in real life.

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Filling Water From Well 

If you see yourself filling water from a well through a bucket, it simply means that you have earned money honestly in life. If you see yourself sitting in a bucket instead of water in your dream, it means that you may suffer some loss due to natural calamity.

Dead body

According to the dream scripture, seeing a dead body in a dream can indicate money gain. Drinking milk, setting fire to something, eating pomegranate or mango or seeing insects is a sign that you may soon inherit some wealth.

Friends or family

Hugging friends and family in general in a dream is not considered a very auspicious sign. It is a sign of sorrow and illness in the family. Hugging your spouse in a dream can indicate quarrels and disagreements with each other.