CURRENT AFFAIRS Given a Samman Rashi of Rs 1 crore to the bereaved families of these brave hearts, says Kejriwal Anjali Pathak Aug 10, 2022 08:22 GMT NEW DELHI: Chief Minister Shri Arvind Kejriwal unveiled the Corona Warriors Memorial and the renovated 'Phansi Ghar', a British-era gallows hall, on the Delhi Vidhan Sabha premises, today. At the same time, the CM also honoured the families of martyred Corona Warriors. Chief Minister Shri Arvind Kejriwal said, "Corona Warriors helped the society by putting their lives at stake, a memorial has been built in memory of 31 such Corona Warriors who attained martyrdom. People coming to the assembly will remember and salute the sacrifice of corona warriors who lost their lives serving society. Delhi is the only state in the whole country and in the world, where after martyrdom, the families of Corona Warriors are given a Samman Rashi of Rs One Crore. We have also unveiled the renovated Phansi Ghar, no one knew that there was a gallows house built during the British era in our Vidhan Sabha premises. The 75th anniversary of independence is a chance to remember those people who sacrificed their lives to get us freedom. It is our duty to come together to build such an India, where we can accomplish the dreams of our freedom fighters." Must read: Nepal Bans Indians from Entering as 4 Tourists Test Covid Positive Meanwhile, Delhi Legislative Assembly Speaker Shri Ram Niwas Goel, who had organised the unveiling ceremony, informed us that from now on every year on August 9, we will gather in the Vidhan Sabha premises to pay homage to the Corona Warriors who attained martyrdom during the pandemic. Deputy Chief Minister Shri Manish Sisodia said, "We faced the challenge of Corona for two long years and saw our Corona Warriors fight & protect the society by sacrificing their own lives." Deputy Speaker Smt Rakhi Birla was also present on the occasion besides senior officials of the government. CM Shri Arvind Kejriwal said, "For the past 2.5 years, the world has been battling hard against the COVID-19 pandemic. This is probably the most devastating disease in the history of mankind. Millions of people lost their lives but there were a lot of brave hearts who saved many lives and did not care for their lives in their pursuit. Some people were working in the hospitals and some were civil defence volunteers. People from all the departments made a valuable contribution in the hour of need. It was a really tough time. They lost their lives while saving others and we have built a memorial in their remembrance. I want to thank the Speaker Shri Ram Niwas Goel for coming up with this idea and making it a reality." He added, "The Delhi Government has already given a Samman Rashi of Rs 1 crore to the bereaved families of these brave hearts. It has only happened in Delhi that families of those Corona warriors who lost their lives got Rs 1 crore as a Samman Rashi. Delhi is the only city in the entire world which has remembered the Corona warriors and taken care of their families in this manner. I am quite content that we have built a memorial and those who will visit the Legislative Assembly will see the memorial. They will remember the supreme sacrifice made by the Corona warriors to save the lives of the people of Delhi." CM Shri Arvind Kejriwal concluded, "We have also inaugurated a Phansi Ghar today which is of British era. Nobody knew that there was a gallows hall here. This Legislative Assembly is very old and its structure is of the British era. It was mere word of mouth that there exists a Phansi Ghar on its premises but nobody actually saw it. They could not gather the courage to break the lock and go inside. Speaker Shri Ram Niwas Goel made this effort and saw that the Phansi Ghar has a structure to hang two people simultaneously. The sight is scary at first instance. We can only imagine the manner in which our freedom fighters were hanged there and that sends a chill in our spine out of fear. It made us think that we are taking a breath of free air which came at the cost of the sacrifice of countless freedom fighters. There is only one Phansi Ghar here and we don't know the total number of such Phansi Ghars in the country. The 75th anniversary of Independence is also an opportunity to remember those brave hearts who sacrificed their lives so that we can live in Independent India. I request everyone present here to visit the Phansi Ghar and inform their friends and families about the same so that they can come here and remember those freedom fighters who lost their lives. It is our duty to make the dream of all those freedom fighters, who made supreme sacrifices, a reality. We have to work together to create an India of their dreams." Must read: AFCAT 2 Admit card 2022 issued today, exams from August 26 Speaker Shri Ram Niwas Goel said, "There was no one in Delhi whose friends or family members did not get infected from COVID-19. Some of the families lost two-three members. Corona warriors played a vital role in saving our lives during the pandemic. No words are even to thank them for their contribution. They did not hesitate from sacrificing their lives in the fight against COVID-19. They could not go to their homes for several months. They did not care about the well-being of their children. They could not remain available for them in those troubled times because they were performing their duties. They kept our city safe just like a soldier protects our borders. A thought came to my mind that we should create a memorial in their remembrance. So far, we have received the names of 31 doctors who made supreme sacrifices in various hospitals. We have put their names on the wall of remembrance and we will pay tributes to them every year on August 9th. The Legislative Assembly will organise this event." He continued, "We have added another milestone by inaugurating a Phansi Ghar. During our freedom struggle, those who were imprisoned at Red Fort were brought here and hanged. This room was closed for decades. Nobody knew about its existence, it was mere folklore till now. We have renovated the Phansi Ghar and each visitor will feel that they should bring their friends and families here and show them this place. Every corner of the premises of this Legislative Assembly is being dedicated to our warriors so that the future generations can take inspiration from them." On this occasion, Deputy Chief Minister Shri Manish Sisodia said, "Every era has its own challenges and some people fight those challenges without caring for their own lives so as to protect others. The nation always remembers their sacrifice." He said, "During the freedom struggle, India faced the challenge of British occupation and our freedom fighters sacrificed their lives to get freedom for the country. For the past two years, there was the challenge of COVID which our doctors-medical staff battled valiantly and protected people across the country. They are our COVID warriors. Our doctors and medical staff did their duty by continuously working among COVID patients without fear and worked to keep all their countrymen safe. We all salute their courage." During this event, Chief Minister Shri Arvind Kejriwal honoured the family members of Corona warriors who lost their lives while saving l patients of COVID-19. Corona. 31 Corona warriors who made supreme sacrifices included Dr Sanjay Kumar, Chief Medical Officer of the Netaji Subhash University of Technology Dr Parvinder Pal Singh, Dr Abha Bhandari, Senior Medical Officer posted in Delhi Government's dispensary, Dr Asim Kumar, Specialist of LNJP, Medical Officer Dr Hitesh Gupta, Medical Officer Dr Javed Ali, Senior Consultant Dr Mithilesh Kumar Singh, Principal Ompal, Specialist Dr Sanjeev Kumar, Dr Anas Mujahid, Technical Supervisor Charan Singh, Supervisor Ajay Kumar, Lab Technician Jag Pravesh Dagar, Junior Resident Dr Joginder Kumar Chaudhary, Nitin Tanwar, and Nursing Officer Rajkumar Agarwal. Keep watching our YouTube Channel ‘DNP INDIA’. Also, please subscribe and follow us on FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM, and TWITTER. Read More Read the Next Article