PLA puts up loudspeakers at Finger 4, play Punjabi songs

 PLA puts up loudspeakers at Finger 4, play Punjabi songs

Chinese troops have set up loudspeakers that belt out Punjabi numbers at their forward posts! This comes in the wake of Indian troops setting up an around the clock observation at the dominating height near Finger 4, overlooking the positions of the Peoples Liberation Army.

ANI sources, the post at which the Chinese Army has put up loudspeakers is under 24x7 constant watch by Indian soldiers.

According to agency report citing sources, the latest drama by the Chinese troops could 'perhaps be to relieve the pressure'. The latest tactic may, however, be viewed on the backdrop of the fact that at least three firing incidents have taken place in the area in the last 20 days.

India and China have had at least three firing incidents between their troops in Eastern Ladakh in the last 20 days over the ongoing territorial dispute there.

"As this House is aware, China is in unauthorized occupation of about 38,000 square km of land in Ladakh. Also, under a so-called Boundary-Agreement in 1963, Pakistan illegally handed over 5180 square km of Indian land of PoK to China.