CURRENT AFFAIRS Muharram 2021: Which month of the Islamic calendar is the first, know the importance and history of Muharram festival Surbhi Gupta Aug 19, 2021 07:02 GMT Ashura is celebrated on the 10th day of this month. It is the main festival of Islam religion. The festival can be celebrated on August 19 or 20. According to the belief of Islam religion, Imam Hussein is said to have been beheaded in the battle of Karbala on the day of Ashura. In his memory, processions and tazias are being taken out on this day. On the day of Ashura, Muslims who believe in the Taimuri Rivayat mourn by burying or cooling the tajis and akharas on this day with roza-namaz. On this day, mosques have special commentaries on the martyrdom of Fazilat and Hazrat Imam Husain. According to Islamic belief, Ashura is celebrated as the day of the martyrdom of Hussein, the grandson of Mohammad Hussein. The festival is celebrated in their own way by both Shia and Sunni Muslim communities. It is not a festival but a day of mourning. Imam Hussein was the messenger of Allah. Nearly 50 years after Mohammed Saheb died, Yazid, the governor of Karbala, away from Mecca, declared himself caliph. Karbala is now known as Syria. There Yazid wanted to be the emperor of Islam. For this, he started scaring people and started enslaving him. Yazid wanted to capture the whole of Arabia. But in front of him, hazrat muhammad's heir and some of his companions did not kneel before Yazid and fought fiercely. Also Read- HOROSCOPE TODAY- 19 August 2021:Check Your Astro Prediction The imam was on his way to Iraq from Medina to save his wife and children when Yazid attacked them near Karbala. Imam Hussein and his companions confronted Yazid's army. Hussein's convoy consisted of 72 people and Yazid had more than 8,000 soldiers, but they still did not kneel down in front of Yazid's army. However, they could not win this war and all were martyred. Somehow Hussain survived the battle. The battle lasted from Muharram 2 to 6. On the last day, Hussein buried his companions in the tomb. Muharram is celebrated as the festival of martyrdom of Imam Husain and his companions since that day. This is a way of Shia Muslims paying tribute to their ancestors. For ten days of Muharram, bamboo, wood are used to decorate it in various ways and are taken out on the eleventh day. People take them on the streets and travel all over the city. They are then buried as the tombs of Imam Hussein. In a way, this tribute is paid to the martyrs of 60 Hijris. muharram Read More Read the Next Article