CURRENT AFFAIRS India's Covid-19 vaccine is set for human trials . Neha Kumari Jul 05, 2020 00:38 GMT Zydus cadilla got approval for clinical trials after recommendation from experts committee of covid-19. HIGHLIGHTS - - Zydus cadilla , Indian company set for human trial. - Animals developed antibodies against covid-19. - Bharat biotech and ICMR are working together for the development of vaccine. - They may launch vaccine on 15 August. Indian pharmaceutical company Zydus Cadilla got approval from the DCGI ( Drug controller General of India ) to begin their phase I and phase ll trials on Humans . India is one of maximum vaccine producers and suppliers to the world wide. Vaccine take a lot of time to go under various clinical trials . Now India is reached out at second phase of clinical trials. The company got approval when they gave data to DCGI based on animal trial. Numerous animals like - pigs , rabbits , guinea , mice , rats developed antibodies against the Corona virus. More than 7 vaccines are being developed and researched only in India. This week two companies got the approval to go ahead. Now they can start human trials for their prototypes . Bharat biotech and ICMRw are working together to develop vaccine against covid-19 . As per ICMR ( Indian council of medical research ) reports the first made in India coronavirus vaccine will be launched on 15th of August , independence Day. Although whole world is in rush to make vaccine.Global candidates like Moderna Inc's. mRNA 1273 , Cansino Biotech's Sinovac and Oxford- Astrazene Ca'schadox1 nCov19 are in advance stage of Human trials . While today India hits a new record . India reports over 20000 covid cases in a single day . Till now there are 628k + 19148 confirmed cases and over 18500 death. corona vaccinenews covidnews latestnewsoncorona vaccineupdate Read More Read the Next Article