Hotels and banquet halls to be used for covid treatment in Mumbai, Delhi

 Hotels and banquet halls to be used for covid treatment in Mumbai, Delhi

Our nation recorded over 2 lakh cases in the past 24 hours, many cities are struggling to serve covid-19 patients in hospitals. Seeing the current situation cities like Delhi and Mumbai with the most covid cases have gone ahead and converted hotels and banquet halls into the covid centre to treat less critical patients.

However, doctors will have to approve these transfers. The hotels designated as 'step down facilities' where minimum medical interference required for covid patients, The hotels will need a minimum of 20 rooms for covid patients and will give medical services including doctor consultations, nurses, medicines,t and transfer of ambulance. For providing these facilities the hospital charges up to INR 4000 and INR 6000 for a room if someone is staying with the patient.

On Wednesday Mumbai recorded 9,931 new cases and 54 deaths, so the order came for this transformation. In Delhi, the situation is being similar to Mumbai. on Wednesday the city reported the highest single-day spike with 17,282 new Covid cases and 104 deaths. In order to tackle the shortage of beds and critical care facilities, the Delhi government issued orders to attach hotels and banquet halls with private and government hospitals to provide the facilities to Covid patients.

However, the situation is not in the control and cases are increasing day to day, the order passed by the government may help to provide adequate facilities and can control the spread of the disease.