HOROSCOPE TODAY- 29 August 2021:Check Your Astro Prediction

 HOROSCOPE TODAY- 29 August 2021:Check Your Astro Prediction



Take proper care about your diet otherwise it could give you undue emotional stress. Involving yourself in a large group will be highly entertaining- but your expenses will increase. Health of an infant might cause some concern.

Remedy: Make use of items such as perfume, fragrance, incense sticks and camphor to improve financial condition.



Your childlike nature will surface and you will be in a playful mood. Your involvement in others affairs should be avoided today. Check the past few statuses of your love partner’s social media, you will get a beautiful surprise. 

Remedy: Give radish kept in a Bronze plate to any temple or to beggars sitting around the temple to maintain harmony and balance in the family.



Sort out your tension for mental peace. If you were about to take a loan, then today is your lucky day. Take some time out to deal with problems of your children. Likely to be rewarded for generous love. The natives of this zodiac sign can watch a movie or match at home .

Remedy:Maintain a good character, this will help in maintaining a good bond in your relationships.



Your polite behaviour will be appreciated.You are most likely to attain financial profits today at night. Today if you try to force any decision on people you know- you will only end up harming your own interest. Handle situation patiently. 

Remedy:Enjoy a blissful family life by worshipping and greeting Lord Shiva, Bhairava, Hanuman.



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Travel for some may become hectic and stressful-but financially rewarding. Go out with close friends. You are going to make your life worthy by giving pleasure and forgiving for past mistakes. 

Remedy:For empowering your economic condition, offer yellow flowers to your family deity.



Conserve your energy to do something meaningful. Investment concerning your residence will be profitable. You will get substantial time with family members and friends. Phone call you receive from your beloved would make your day. 

Remedy:Health will get better by taking care of a dog.



Do not invest in joint ventures and dubious financial schemes. Unexpected news from children brings happy moments.To utilize your time, you can go to the park, but there are chances of you getting into an argument with someone unknown.

Remedy:Recite ॐ भौमाय नमः (Om Bhaumaya Namah) 11 times and have a fulfilling love life.



Friends will introduce you to somebody special who would have a remarkable influence on your thoughts. Those who had invested their money on the advice of an unknown person are very likely to gain benefits today.

Remedy:Recite ॐ भौमाय नमः (Om Bhaumaya Namah) 11 times and have a fulfilling love life.



Day of special care for expectant mothers. Those who have borrowed money from anyone may have to repay the loan under any circumstances. Pending household jobs will take up some of your time. 

Remedy:Feed cow food and fodder to achieve good health.



Start your day with a little exercise.Make it a regular feature everyday and try to stick to it. Although your financial conditions will remain strong today, you'll have to keep in mind not to overspend or spend on unnecessary things. 

Remedy:Seek the blessings of the elders in the family by touching their feet early in the morning.



New money making opportunities will be lucrative. Enjoy a peaceful and quiet day with family members.Exciting day of romance- Plan something special for the evening and try to make it as romantic as possible. 

Remedy:Chanting पलाशपुष्पसंकाशं तारकाग्रहमस्तकम्। रौद्रंरौद्रत्मकं घोरं तं केतुं प्रणमाम्यहम।। (Palasha Pushpa Sankasham, Taaraka Graha Mastakam; Roudram Roudraathmakam Ghoram, Tam Ketum Pranamamyaham) 11 times.



Don't lose your patience especially at the time of crisis. If you want to become financially strong in the future, then you have to start saving money from today. Some changes at home will make you highly sentimental- but you will be able to effectively communicate your feelings to people who matter the most. 

Remedy:Have faith in God and prevent yourself from psychological violence, doing this will help you to maintain good health.