HOROSCOPE TODAY- 27 August 2021:Check Your Astro Prediction

 HOROSCOPE TODAY- 27 August 2021:Check Your Astro Prediction



You will impress people around you with your confidence. Your neighbor may come to ask you for a loan today. You will be in the mood for love and the opportunities would be plenty. Your hard work and dedication will win you confidence and support. 

Remedy:Bring an aquarium at home and feed the fish for an increase in income.



Avoid high calorie diets. Today, some unemployed natives of this sign can get jobs and will improve their financial condition. Visit of an old friend would brighten your evening. You would relive your childhood memories as you remember your golden days. 

Remedy:For great health benefits, eat almonds (with skin), whole peanuts, split bengal gram, ghee and offer yellow cloth at religious and spiritual places.



Your charming behaviour will attract attention. The money you had saved can come to use today. However, the expenditure can lower your spirit. Supporting your children's concerns would be essential. You can experience the pain of love.

Remedy:Avoid tamsik items like alcohol and non veg and gain family happiness.



A beneficial day and you will be able to find relief from a prolonged illness. You will make good money today. Today you need to put your intelligence to solve sensitive issues at home. Love is the feeling to be felt and shared with your beloved. 

Remedy:For an active and thriving career help teachers, Gurus, and young children with affection and dedication.



Today you need to relax and meet close friends and family members. Today, you can learn the skill of saving money and put it to the right use. Relatives would try to take undue advantage of your extra generous behaviour. Control yourself otherwise you might be deceived. 

Remedy:To strengthen family bonds, feed green fodder to cows.



Today you will be full of energy. Seek the blessings of your elders before going out of the house,it will benefit you. You need to be patient with children or those who are less experienced than you are. Romantic memories will occupy your day. 

Remedy:Throw away old clothes, newspapers etc., from your home for happiness in the family.

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Outdoor sports will attract you. Your debtor can return your money unexpectedly. A perfect day to fix up something exciting and entertaining with friends.Physical intimacy will be at its best with your spouse today.

Remedy:For strong economic status, wash your feet before eating or remove footwear while eating.



You would get relief from the tensions which you have been experiencing for a long time. It is the right time to change your lifestyle. You will make money if you put your savings into conservative investments.

Remedy:For quick growth in the area of profession, rise up early in the morning, greet the rising Sun and chant Gayatri Mantra 11 times.



A special compliment from a friend would be the source of happiness.Do not make rash decisions- especially when negotiating major financial deals. You could also spend some time pursuing your hobbies and helping family members.

Remedy:For greater career enhancement, grow and tend a tulsi plant that occupies the central space in the house.



Your continuous positive thinking will be rewarded. You seem to know exactly what people need and want from you-but try not to be too lavish in your spending today. Your family members appreciate your effort and dedication. Your love will reach a new height. 

Remedy:Avoid intake of alcohol and non-veg this will help in your financial progress.



Father may disinherit you from the property. Today, you can seek advice from the seniors of your family about finance management and savings . A letter by post brings happy news for the entire family.

Remedy:To improve health, bury black kohl (kajal) near some deserted place.



Pressure from seniors at the workplace and discord at home might bring some stress- which would disturb your concentration at work. You are most likely to attain financial profits today at night. 

Remedy:Light a lamp and add some black and white sesame seeds in it.