HOROSCOPE TODAY- 2 August 2021:Check Your Astro Prediction

 HOROSCOPE TODAY- 2 August 2021:Check Your Astro Prediction



Your health will be good today.You will be confident today.Don't spend your money unnecessarily.You will make few new friends.You will receive calls from your beloved.You will find problems to solve today in your free time.The best day of your married life.

Remedy: For financial benefit worship Lord Bhairav.



Don't waste your energy in arguing with someone.Remind yourself that you never gain anything from an argument.You will face financial distress today.Work pressure will be low today.You will be in the mood of love.Your day will be awesome at your workplace.Today you will misuse your free time.

Remedy: To enjoy good health, keep the middle space of your home neat and clean.



Health needs care.Today you will be stressed due to money related issues.Consult your trusted confidant.You will go on a romantic trip.Use your intelligence to sort out your problems at work place.Students will waste their time.

Remedy: To enjoy good health, keep the middle space of your home neat and clean.



Today you will participate in sports.Rise in income.Plan something for evening.You may have to pay for your mistake at your work place.Businessmen may give new direction to their business.

Remedy: To increase happiness in the family, hang cream or white or pastel coloured curtains at home.



Also Read- SAWAN KE SOMVAR: Don’t make these mistakes while worshipping Lord Shiva

Keep your excitement under control.Your siblings can ask you for financial help.You will rule on everything today.Today you can make good use of your free time.You will be surrounded by love today.

Remedy: For strengthening economic conditions, donate a cot to saints and physically-challenged persons.



You can attain money from anywhere today.You will be in a pleasant and relaxed mood.Your internal strength will support you.You and your partner really need a space for your married life.You will have difficulty trying to make your mate understand your position.

Remedy: To improve health keep khirni roots wrapped in a white cloth. 



Avoid high caloric diet.Unexpected responsibilities will make you tense today.Give importance to your family members.Today your spouse may show you his/her not so good side.One sided infatuation will prove disastrous today.

Remedy:For improving your financial status, use spices (garam masala), dry fruits, jaggery every day in moderate quantities while preparing food.



Spend some time in pursuing your hobby.You will understand today that investing is very beneficial.Help your family members.You will get highly positive response from your partner.Learn to utilize your time.Relatives might become a reason for arguments with your spouse today.

Remedy: For bettering your love life, offer kapoor-aarti to Lord Krishna.



Your anxiety will disappear.You will understand today that investing is beneficial.You will feel romantic today.A family get together will make you the centre of attraction.

Remedy:To maintain continued good health donate black grams, bengal grams, black clothing, and mustard oil .



Creative hobbies will keep you relaxed. Money position will improve.  Visit to a religious place. Avoid being too spendthrift if you go shopping. Your and your spouse will quarrel over small issues but this might ruin your marriage on a long term basis. Be careful not to trust what others say or suggest.

Remedy:To become a successful professional make balls out of flour and keep jaggery inside them to make round balls (peda). Feed cows these flour jaggery balls .



Chances of you recovering from physical illness are high which will enable you to participate in sports competition. Increase in income. A day when work pressure seems to be low and you will enjoy time with family members. Wedding bells for some while others will find romance to keep them in high spirits. 

Remedy: Take a square piece of copper, apply saffron, wrap this in a red cloth, and during sunrise, bury this in an isolated spot. This will increase happiness and unity in the family.



Your hope will bloom. Your efforts to save money can fail today. The situation will soon improve. The problems of a friend could make you feel bad and worried. You will be in the mood for love-and the opportunities would be plenty. Your confidence is growing and advancement is apparent.

Remedy: For constant improvement in your economic condition wear gold always, depending on your affordability.