What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? Understanding Nerve Pathways in the Wrist, Check Expert's View

 What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? Understanding Nerve Pathways in the Wrist, Check Expert's View

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: According to Dr. Priyanka Sehrawat's explanation in her Instagram video, carpal tunnel syndrome affects the structure in the wrist that allows nerves to flow. The thumb and index finger are supplied by one nerve, and the remaining fingers and a portion of the palm are supplied by the other. There is a higher risk of irritation or compression to the nerve that supplies the thumb and index finger.

Risk Factors for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Occupation, diabetes, and hypothyroidism all raise the risk of carpal tunnel syndrome because of their restricted nerve passageways and soft tissue edoema. In response, Dr. Sehrawat suggests a nerve conduction test to confirm the diagnosis and gauge the severity of the ailment.

She suggests avoiding activities like kneading dough or riding a scooter that make symptoms worse. To further immobilise the wrist and avoid unintentional bending, which can worsen the problem, wearing a wrist splint at night is essential.

Consulting a Neurologist for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Symptoms

Dr. Sehrawat stresses that the first course of action for anyone having symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome is to contact a neurologist. Reducing wrist motion and sleeping with a wrist splint are crucial steps in reducing pain and controlling the condition.