HEALTH Never use these things directly for skincare, otherwise, there may be a reaction Devisha Keshri Feb 02, 2022 09:31 GMT People try many different home remedies not only for skincare of hands, feet, neck but also for skin care of the face. Under this, many types of things are also applied directly to the skin. Some natural things are beneficial for the skin, but applying them directly to the skin can prove to be equally harmful. Due to this, there is a risk of side effects on your skin. In the era of fashion, most people do not apply anything to make their faces glow and to make the skin of other parts of the body shiny. Whether to use expensive beauty products or to put a long line in the parlour. Those people make every effort to make themselves attractive. Under this, home remedies are also used fiercely without any thought. But do you know that using some things directly on the skin can prove to be harmful to the skin? Yes, applying some prescriptions on the skin without full knowledge can cause many side effects. Your skin may have to bear the brunt later. That is why today we are going to tell you about some such things which should be avoided. Toothpaste Some people use toothpaste to clean the dirt accumulated in the skin and get rid of stains. But applying toothpaste directly to the skin causes dryness. Due to this the risk of getting wrinkles on the face also increases. Lemon Lemon is used extensively for skincare. Because lemon is considered a good source of vitamin C. At the same time, the citric acid present in it is effective in eradicating pimples, acne and scars on the face. But let us tell you that applying lemon directly to the face can be very harmful. This can cause redness or a reaction on the face. That is why try to mix lemon juice in something and then apply it to the face. Baking soda While baking soda works to improve the skin on one hand. On the other side, by using it more than the limit, the glow of the face also disappears and the problem of pimples, acne arises. That is why it is very important not to apply baking soda directly on the skin and at the same time use it in a limited quantity. Read More Read the Next Article