The amazing health benefits of almonds

 The amazing health benefits of almonds

Almonds contain vitamins, minerals, protein, and fiber, and so they may offer a number of health benefits. Just a handful of almonds — approximately 1 ounce — contains one-eighth of a person’s daily protein needs.

People can eat almonds raw or toasted as a snack or add them to sweet or savory dishes. They are also available sliced, flaked, slivered, as flour, oil, butter, or almond milk.

People call almonds a nut, but they are seeds, rather than a true nut.

Benefits of almonds

There are several potential health benefits associated with almonds.

Promote Healthy Cells

Not only are almonds packed with healthy fats and protein, but they’re also rich in antioxidants. These plant compounds can protect your cells from oxidation and premature aging. For an antioxidant-rich snack, enjoy a bowl of almonds and berries.

Lower Cholesterol

Almonds are one of the best food for naturally lowering your cholesterol. Studies show that eating almonds can lower LDL or “bad” cholesterol levels. They’re also quick and convenient, so you’ll never have to rely on vending machine food for a snack. Throw a pack in your car for easy snacking on the g

Reduce the Risk of Diabetes

Start your day right with a bowl of breakfast cereal sprinkled with almonds. Studies show that eating almonds with your cereal slows down the absorption of the carbohydrates in the cereal, says Bonnie. This buffering effect from the protein and fats in almonds has been proven to lower your risk of developing high blood sugar and diabetes.

Lower Blood Pressure

Almonds are rich in magnesium which can help lower blood pressure. Studies show that having a low magnesium level in your blood can put you at risk for high blood pressure. Adding magnesium-rich foods like almonds can protect you.