Every vegetarian should drink this miraculous milk made at home, it gives a lot more power

 Every vegetarian should drink this miraculous milk made at home, it gives a lot more power

Milk is a healthy drink, which is essential for strong bones and physical development. But, some people are allergic to the lactose present in cow-buffalo milk.

Due to which they stop drinking milk. But, we will tell you about special milk which is more powerful than cow and buffalo milk.

The specialty of this milk is that you can make it at home and it is also high in protein. This special and miraculous milk is 'Soya Milk'.

Soya Milk Benefits: According to the USDA, 100 grams of soya milk contains about 3 grams of protein. Which makes your body strong. It is an excellent source of protein for vegetarians.

It is lactose-free, due to which people get rid of lactose allergy. Soya milk contains sodium, potassium, vitamin B12, phosphorus, magnesium, etc.

The iron present in soya milk helps to overcome the problem of anemia. It also contains beneficial antioxidants for the body.

Soya milk also contains calcium which makes bones strong.

Soya Milk recipe

Wash and clean the soybean thoroughly and keep it soaked in water for 8-12 hours as needed.

Boil the soybeans in the same water after 8-12 hours.

Mash hot soybeans and separate the outer skins

Now put soybean in a mixer jar and grind it.

When soybean is grounded, add 1 liter of a glass of water and grind it again. when it becomes liquid in form, it is ready to drink.

warm the soya milk and enjoy your drink.