Mystery of Migraine Decoded! Dispelling Myths and Finding Solutions, Check

 Mystery of Migraine Decoded! Dispelling Myths and Finding Solutions, Check

Migraine: In a new Instagram video, Dr. Priyanaka Sehrawat dispels common myths about migraines and provides insightful advice on how to treat the illness.

Understanding Migraine Causes

Dr. Sehrawat stresses that migraine is not caused by a brain lesion that needs to be treated with medicine or removed surgically. Rather, it is a biological inclination brought on by specific brain chemicals and neuropeptides.

Dr. Sehrawat notes that people may be more prone to migraines, particularly women in their 20s and 30s, and compares the condition to an allergy propensity. However, by recognising and avoiding triggers, this susceptibility can be reduced.

Identifying Migraine Triggers

She lists typical triggers that include sun exposure, drinking tea without eating, getting too little sleep, spending too much time on screens before bed, and erratic eating patterns. These stimulants have the potential to worsen migraine symptoms in those who are vulnerable.

Dr. Sehrawat stresses that although medicine could offer short-term respite, it only tackles 20–30% of the issue. Finding and avoiding triggers is essential for good migraine management. Migraine attacks can be considerably less frequent and intense if people adopt good habits and make lifestyle changes.