HEALTH know which fruits and vegetables you should eat to keep the heart healthy Devisha Keshri Feb 02, 2022 12:59 GMT If you want to avoid high blood pressure, cholesterol and heart diseases, then definitely include these fruits and vegetables in the diet. This reduces the risk of a heart attack. Our lifestyle is a major reason for the increase in diseases like heart disease, high blood pressure and stroke. We have to face the serious effects of negligence in eating and drinking water. If you eat too much-unbalanced food, then cholesterol starts increasing which can cause a heart attack. Due to the increase in bad cholesterol in the body, many types of damage starts happening. Bad cholesterol accumulates in the body, which increases heart problems. You can overcome these problems by making some changes in your diet. Know which fruits, vegetables you should eat to keep the heart-healthy. Fruits for heart patients Berries and Grapes - To reduce cholesterol, you should include all types of berries like strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and grapes in the diet. They contain a good amount of pectin, which reduces cholesterol and is very beneficial for health. Apples and Citrus Fruits - These fruits are rich in fibre. They contain a special soluble fibre called pectin. Include these fruits in your daily routine, it will reduce cholesterol. Avocado - By eating it, bad cholesterol in the body is reduced and good cholesterol increases. Avocado contains monosaturated fat and fibre, which reduces cholesterol. Vegetables beneficial for heart patients Green leafy vegetables - To reduce bad cholesterol, you should include eating green vegetables regularly. Green leafy vegetables like spinach contain lutein and carotenoids, which reduce the risk of heart diseases. Brinjal - Brinjal is also a beneficial vegetable for cholesterol patients. Brinjal is also good for the digestive system. Eating brinjal reduces cholesterol in the body. Cholesterol is reduced by eating tomatoes, tomato juice reduces high blood pressure. Therefore, tomatoes must be eaten every day. Read More Read the Next Article