If the mucus in the chest has frozen after a cold, then get rid of it by these methods

 If the mucus in the chest has frozen after a cold, then get rid of it by these methods

It is very common to have a cough and cold during the winter season. After which some people have a lot of trouble with the accumulation of mucus in the chest. Due to this, many people also face difficulty in breathing. To get rid of this, people take the help of different types of medicines, but still, they do not get rid of it easily. In such a situation, to get relief from phlegm, you can also adopt some home treatments.

So today let us tell you that to get rid of the problem of mucus, you can take the help of effective home remedies. Let's know about them.

Gargle with saltwater

Gargle with salt water to discharge the mucus in the chest. For this, mix a little salt in lukewarm water and gargle with it two-three times a day. This will give you a lot of relief.

Use raw turmeric

You can use raw turmeric to get rid of phlegm. For this, take out the juice of raw turmeric and put a few drops in the throat and sit quietly for some time. If you want, you can also gargle with turmeric juice mixed with lukewarm water.

Take the benefit of jaggery and ginger

Jaggery and ginger can help you a lot in reducing the problem of mucus. For this, peel and fry the ginger. Then crush it and mix jaggery in it and make a pill and consume it twice a day.