HEALTH HEALTH: Try this homemade scrub to get radiant skin Surbhi Gupta Aug 20, 2021 10:34 GMT Homemade Scrub: To make skin smooth and glowing one can keep on trying new tips and remedies. But, sometimes after trying a lot the skin does not give the desired results. If you are also the one who is experiencing the same, then try this homemade scrub remedy. Ingredients Needed To Make Scrubs 1. Raw Milk 2. Honey 3. BranĀ How To Make Scrub First, take a tablespoon of bran and add raw milk as neended.To thicken the mixture add as much milk as required.Now add a teaspoon of honey and mix well to prepare the scrub.The scrub is ready to use. Also Read- HEALTH: To Improve Condition of Asthma Follow These Yoga Tips Directions To Use *Before using the scrub, clean the face and body properly.Use a cleanser or face wash for this. *Now with a clean towel pat dry the face lightly. *Now take the scrub in your hands and apply it to the face and neck area. *Massage your face and neck lightly with the help of hands and fingers in a circular motion. *Now leave this scrub for five minutes and let it dry. *Wash off the face with plain water after it dries. Benefits of Using Scrub This scrub exfoliates the skin naturally. It also removes the dead cells, clears the blackheads, dirt, and dust present on the skin surface and does not let the skin pores close.Raw milk contains vitamin B, alpha hydroxy acid, calcium, and other powerful antioxidants which are very beneficial for the skin. They moisturize the skin by nourishing it from deep within. skincare healthytips Read More Read the Next Article