HEALTH: To Improve Condition of Asthma Follow These Yoga Tips

 41318577 - notepad with healthy life guide apple and measure tape
41318577 - notepad with healthy life guide apple and measure tape

You are not alone, if you have asthma problems. Millions of people all around the world have chronic inflammation trouble. Some people say yoga can also help in reducing asthma symptoms. Yoga helps in increasing breathing rate, slows down the respiratory rate and increases calmness, and also it reduces stress. Yoga improves your symptoms and by doing it no harm is there. Increased pollution and changing lifestyle are major causes of asthma and external factors are allergies and toxins.

Bhastrika Pranayama


It works like a protection for asthma patients. keep your breathing speed normal and do not perform pranayam speedily, doing so will be harmful for your sensitive lung cells. People who are dependent on inhalers should do pranayama at a slower pace.



Keep your hands in one posture, take a deep breath and exhale. Keep your breathing speed normal. This is the second relief pose and its focus on breathing and it also controls stress level. It is an extremely beneficial exercise for asthma patients. 

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Kapalbhati Pranayama 


Phlegm accumulates on the forehead causing sneezing. By performing Kapalbhati, phlegm comes out. Do it once a second and at a moderate speed.This technique can be done for 3 to 15 minutes. You can increase the duration of the pranayama practice day by day, but do not force your body to do it for 15 minutes on the very first day. 

Salamba Bhujangasana


For an asthma patient, the Salamba Bhujangasana is a good choice.The Salamba Bhujangasana strengthens your spine and stretches your lungs, shoulders, chest, and abdomen. Lung stretching gives you a better respiratory function.



Savasana is designed to relax each and every muscle of your body. This yoga pose also gets you highly aware of all your body organs, internal functions and calms your mind.As an asthma patient, you can expect Savasana to help you stay relaxed.