Health tips: Top Nutrition tips for senior citizens to boost immunity during rainy season

 Health tips: Top Nutrition tips for senior citizens to boost immunity during rainy season

Health Tips: People's immunity deteriorates with age, which raises their risk of being sick. Senior individuals are more susceptible to monsoon-related illnesses such viral infections, flu, the common cold, dry cough, respiratory diseases, and joint difficulties since they have lower immunity levels. In order to keep healthy and safe during the monsoon season, it is crucial that senior persons maintain particular hygiene practises and consume a balanced diet.

Diet Tips For Seniors

  • To cope with the obstacles of the season shift, a certain diet regulated by spiritual practises like pathyam should be undertaken. One such pathyam is a unique porridge made with red rice and herbs called "karkadaga kaanji."
  • It's always a good idea to eat dinner early, just before nightfall, and to chew your food thoroughly. People who wear artificial dentures and have lost their teeth should select foods with an easy-to-digest texture.
  • Warm soup, a straightforward protein, and no fried food should be served during dinner. For dinner, one should stay away from consuming heavy proteins like animal protein, plant protein like rajma and channa, and dairy protein like paneer. When it rains, it is best to avoid eating spinach.
  • In case of a deficit, vitamin D pills are prescribed because the monsoon restricts exposure to sunlight.
  • Vitamin C is added when eating citrus fruits, such as delicious limes, to strengthen the immune system. A diet high in fibre from plant-based foods supports healthy gut flora. As a result, enough vitamin B12 is produced.
  • The immune system needs antioxidants to function at its best, which are found in colourful fruits and vegetables. Consuming seasonal fruits and vegetables can help you receive the necessary trace elements and micronutrients.

Essential Tips for Seniors During Monsoon

To avoid numerous trips to the toilet, individuals cut back on their water consumption during the rains. Dehydration from this may result in electrolyte imbalance and urinary tract infections. When there are limitations on outside activities, people frequently skip their daily walks. Physical activities are essential because they reduce feelings of despondency and strengthen the immune system by releasing the feel-good hormone endorphin. Moderation in eating, exercising, and sleeping is the key to good health.

This material, including advice, provides general information only. It is in no way a substitute for a qualified medical opinion. Take the methods, and claims mentioned in this article as suggestions only; DNP India does not confirm or refute them. Consult a doctor before implementing any such suggestions/ treatment/medicine/diet.

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