HEALTH Health Tips: Phytic Acid or Toxin? Myths About Almonds and Walnuts Busted, Check Here Learn the truth about the health advantages of walnuts and almonds, as well as the significance of phytic acid. Learn more to make better eating decisions. Sparsh Goel Jun 13, 2024 10:36 GMT Health Tips: Dr. Priyanaka Sehrawat clarified the nutritional characteristics of walnuts (akhrot) and almonds (badam) and dispelled widespread misconceptions about their use in a recent Instagram post. Dr. Sehrawat stressed that, in contrast to popular assumption, the outer coatings of almonds and walnuts contain phytic acid rather than toxins or poisons. Nature of Phytic Acid View this post on Instagram A post shared by Dr.Priyanka Sehrawat (@docpriyankasehrawat) She clarified that while phytotic acid is a naturally occurring substance that helps these nuts survive, it is not harmful to people. Its primary impact is to lessen the amount of vitamins and minerals that these nuts absorb when eaten. Thus, the purpose of soaking walnuts and almonds is to reduce the phytic acid level rather than eliminate toxins, which will improve the body's absorption of vital nutrients. Eating Nuts Raw Dr. Sehrawat told the audience that it is okay to eat walnuts and almonds without first soaking them. She did advise soaking the nuts overnight before eating them, though, if you wanted to get the most nutritional value out of them. In order to debunk the misunderstanding surrounding almonds and walnuts, the message ended with a call to share this educational film with friends and family. With Dr. Sehrawat's clarification, people can make well-informed decisions about their nutrition by using reliable information. This offers insightful knowledge about dietary practices. Benefits of Almonds and Walnuts Heart Health: Nuts like walnuts and almonds are high in mono- and polyunsaturated fats that reduce LDL cholesterol and lower the risk of heart disease. Brain Health: Omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and vitamin E are found in almonds and walnuts, and these nutrients are good for the brain. These foods may prevent age-related cognitive decline and enhance cognitive performance. Weight Management: When eaten in moderation, walnuts and almonds, despite their high calorie content, can help with weight management. Their high protein and fiber content encourages feeling full and lowers total caloric intake. Bone Health: Walnuts offer vital elements including magnesium, and almonds are an excellent source of calcium. When combined, they strengthen bones and may help stave off osteoporosis. Antioxidant Properties: Antioxidants like vitamin E and polyphenols, which are abundant in both nuts, help the body fight oxidative stress and inflammation, which lowers the risk of chronic illnesses. Read More Read the Next Article