HEALTH: These 4 Simple Hacks Can Help You To Calm Anxious Mind

 Close up of model brain on mental health headlines
Close up of model brain on mental health headlines

Fear and anxiety have a strong impact on our mind and body.Our brain is the headquarter of our body,it controls our body and implies that it has an active role to play in regulating the body's functions and how we feel and think.Anxiety has an ability to severely reduce our mind energy,causing our anxiety level to rise. Our wrong way of thinking about anxiety can be changed by training our brain to combat stress,stay calm and perceive life from a more positive perspective.  

1.Don't feel uncomfortable and learn more about anxieties


The first step is to conquer nervousness.Without facing you can't overcome a fear that is hidden in the regions of your subconscious mind.Instead of running away from your anxieties try to notice and figure out the source of anxiety.This can be done by maintaining a journal and jotting down anything that seems important.Transfer your stressors into writing can facilitate you in demystifying them.

2.Physical Activity


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When your mind is anxious do physical activity.Working out tends to raise endorphins and serotonin levels that facilitates one to feel emotionally good.When you will feel better inside it will reflect much better outside.It is advisable to indulge at least 30 minutes of physical activity.

3.Live in Present


Most of us are more stressed and tensed about our future or yesterday's mistakes,instead of focussing on our current moment.None of us are able to control our future or change our past.Focus on your present and enjoy the moment.Indulge in mindful exercises to win the anxiety battle.

4. Awareness about your thoughts


Be aware of your thoughts as it is one of the most significant steps in combating anxiety. Take charge of your thoughts, instead of allowing your thoughts to control you. Categorise them to do this. For instance, if a negative thought comes to your mind, you must list it and entitle it as negative and something that you must not indulge in.

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Whenever anxiety overloads your brain and brings down your performance, it's time to choose the above-mentioned strategies.