HEALTH: Know How Amla In Winters Help To Eliminate Diseases

 HEALTH: Know How Amla In Winters Help To Eliminate Diseases

In North India the cool wind has started blowing. But this season comes along with various infections and that can be highly transmissible. Consumption of Amla during this season is considered very beneficial. Amla is a good source of vitamin C and is also rich in antioxidants. It also helps in increasing immunity during the winters. It has numerous benefits and helps in hair loss, acidity, weight gain, and other problems that usually happen in this season. 

Amla boosts immunity

Eating Amla Chyavanprash is very popular in all over India during winters. It increases the body's immunity. It helps in keeping away common winter problems such as infections, colds, and coughs. It also strengthens your body in the fight against diabetes, cancer, heart diseases.

Beneficial in hair loss problem

The common problem due to which everyone suffers in winter is abnormal hair fall. Amla helps in strengthening the hair from the roots, thus preventing hair loss.

Relief from constipation

Amla is useful in keeping constipation at bay. Constipation is quite common during winters. It keeps your stomach healthy by eliminating any related issues.

Right way to consume amla

Amla Juice

You can also consume Amla juice. Mix one spoon of Amla juice with one cup of warm water and then drink it.

Amla Candy

Make Amla candy. For this, cut Amla into small pieces and dry them in the sun. When the water has dried up, store the pieces in a container. You can enjoy Amla candy any time of the day. 

Amla Powder

You can consume the powdered form of Amla in winter. Mix one spoon Amla powder in hot water and honey. Taking it regularly will keep you immune from several illnesses.