HEALTH: Is Your Child Suffering From Autism Spectrum Disorder? Give Therapy As Soon As Possible

 HEALTH: Is Your Child Suffering From Autism Spectrum Disorder? Give Therapy As Soon As Possible

New Delhi: Children with early signs of autism get great benefits if they start giving therapy in the first year as the brain develops quite rapidly at this age, as per the recent research published in the journal JAMA Pediatrics. Researchers also said that children who were given therapy at the age of 12 months were re-examined at the age of three. It also showed that their behavior showed less autism behavior, such as difficulty in social communication, or repetition of things than children who were not given therapy.


Why Therapy Is Beneficial In Early Symptoms Of Autism 

Diagnostics and Statistical Manual Guide

In autism, just like all neurodevelopmental conditions, it is observed what the child is not able to do. The 'Diagnostics and Statistical Manual' is a guide that provides information about behavior that can determine the conditions related to nervous system and mental health.

Social Problems Hinder Career

As of now, there are many children who find it more difficult to learn social communication skills than before. This has increased the number of children suffering from autism disorder and as per an estimate this number is about two percent of the population. Researchers explained that social and communication problems can hinder the education, employment and relationships of such children as they become adults.

Aim Of The Therapy

The aim of the therapy mentioned in the research is to help increase social communication skills at an early age so that children do not face any problems when they grow up. The name of the therapy is 'IBasis-VIPP' in which VIPP means 'Video Interaction for Positive Parenting'. It was used to help develop social communication in the UK. Parents or guardians who play the most important role in children's lives are taught about it.  

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Parents Are Trained

In therapy, parents are taught to identify the child's communication so that parents can react to it in such a way that the child develops social communication. A video of parents talking to a child is made and then trained therapists advise them on the basis of it and explain how to maintain communication with the child.