HEALTH HEALTH: In This Navratri Days Keep Vegetable Juice Fast To Achieve Weight Loss Surbhi Gupta Oct 07, 2021 07:47 GMT Navratri Fasting There are many people who keep fast during Navratri. Everyone fasts in their own way. Some restrict to a single meal in a day, while some don't consume salt for nine days. Some people eat only fruits and some drink only water. Whatever the way people choose, the body will reap the benefits of the fast by refraining from fried or fatty foods. While keeping a fast, if you consume more ghee and sugar, then it is not going to be beneficial in fact it is going to harm your body. In this category only comes another kind of fast called "vegetable juice fast." If you are medically fit and healthy, you can keep this fast with the advice of your doctor. All About Vegetable Juice Fast The main function of vegetable's juice fast is to cleanse the body by removing toxins from the body. During this time our digestive system gets some rest. The large quantity of antioxidants present in these juices flush out free radicals from the body. It is useful in weight loss as well as very good for skin. Since these are very light, they are easily digested by the body. As far as how long this fast should be kept, there's no problem doing it for at least one full day and a maximum of three days. However, it depends to a great extent on your abilities. Listen to your body and if you feel that you are not able to do it or if you are having a problem, don't fast. Carrot Juice You can extract juice from any vegetable just like carrot juice. Use either red or orange carrots whichever are available nearby. Add a little ginger to enhance its taste. Spinach Juice Spinach juice falls under the category of green juice. For this, add a little coriander or lemongrass and extract the juice. Squeeze some lemon juice to enhance the taste and drink. Beetroot Juice Also add a little piece of ginger and a couple of carrots with beetroot. Extract the juice, add a little lemon juice and if you eat salt, you can add sendha namak (rock salt) and consume it. Similarly, you can make juice of other vegetables too like cucumber, bottle gourd, tomato, etc. Remember to extract only fresh juice and four to five large glasses of juice can be consumed in a day. healthcare healthytips fasting Read More Read the Next Article