HEALTH: If You Are On a Journey of Weight Loss Then Try These Detox Rotis

 HEALTH: If You Are On a Journey of Weight Loss Then Try These Detox Rotis

In Indian diet roti is considered as a important food.Indian eat roti at least two times a day.Roti is not unhealthy but if you are on the journey of weight loss then small things should also be taken into consideration.But we can make it healthier by replacing it with detox roti.The goal of detox roti is to help decrease one's flour intake without having to decrease the portion of the food consumed daily.

What is Detox Roti?


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Detox roti is a combination of atta and vegetables.By doing this,you are consuming calories worth half a roti when you are eating one detox roti.Detoxoti can be prepared using any seasonal vegetable.You are free to choose vegetable according to availability and according to the body's need for nutrients.

How to make lauki roti?


Take a 1:1 ratio of your atta and your choice of vegetable.Mix the two ingredients and simply knead the dough.Than make rotis out of that vegetable dough.Lauki is a summer season vegetable.The vegetable is full of moisture ,it keeps our body hydrated and cool.For making lauki roti,take one cup of pureed lauki and one cup of atta.You can puree the lauki in the blender.Make a dough using atta and puree of lauki.You don't need to add water while making the dough as lauki has high water content.