HEALTH HEALTH: Being a Woman You Should Have These Essential Vitamins For Good Health Surbhi Gupta Aug 27, 2021 10:15 GMT As compared to men women need additional nutrients and vitamins to stay healthy. Women being careless about their diet in the family is a common thing that we all have seen.It has also observed that women do not pay proper attention to their meals like not eating on time, eating the leftovers. Such carelessness afterwards leads to a range of health problems in women. Such eating habits and lifestyle are the reasons for premature ageing in women. From monthly periods, pregnancy and childbirth to menopause, women undergo hormonal changes several times in their lives. And that is why women can suffer from many other diseases as compared to men. Today, we will be talking about the vitamins which are essential for women. Vitamin A: Due to menopause between the age of 40 to 45 different changes take place in a woman's body.These changes can be seen on the skin and feel internally.So, vitamin A is very important for the body.You can consume carrots, papaya, pumpkin seeds, spinach to make up for deficiency of vitamin A. Vitamin B9: During pregnancy it is essential for women to have several vitamins.During that time vitamin B9 is very important for the body. Deficiency of vitamins can cause birth defects in many children.For having vitamin B9 which is a folic acid, you should include beans, grain, yeast in your diet. Also Read- HEALTH: Do You Know About Havana Syndrome, Check Symptoms of the Mysterious Condition Vitamin D: To strengthen their bones women need both calcium and vitamin D.When women start becoming old they often complain of problems like joint pain. To get relief you need vitamin D along with calcium for it to get properly absorbed by the body.For vitamin D you can consume foods like mushrooms, milk, cottage cheese, soy products, butter, oatmeal, fatty fish, eggs. Vitamin E: In order to look beautiful and remain healthy you should include a substantial amount of vitamin E in the diet.Vitamin E helps to nourish the skin, hair and nails and makes them beautiful. It is important for women to consume food products rich in vitamin E. Vitamin E does keep away wrinkles, blemishes. It makes the skin soft and supple and makes you look younger. For that you can consume foods like almonds, peanut, butter, spinach. healthcare healthytips Read More Read the Next Article