HEALTH: All You Should Know About Getting A Flu Vaccine This Year

 HEALTH: All You Should Know About Getting A Flu Vaccine This Year

Getting Flu Vaccine Should Be The First Priority

As per the data, in 2020, the total number of flu cases were 2,752 with 44 deaths as opposed to 28,798 cases and 1,218 deaths in 2019. Doctors believe that, besides the decrease in the number of testing, along with the similarities in the symptoms of COVID and flu, masking and social distancing is what curbed the spread of the viruses. Not only in India, but the sudden spike in the flu cases has been seen globally too. That said, at a time when both COVID-19 and the flu are taking a severe toll on people's health, getting your vaccines is extremely important.

Twindemic Alert

This year we have to not only battle the severe impact of the novel coronavirus, but we also have to tackle a more serious wave of flu infections. With experts warning against a possible 'twindemic', getting your flu vaccines on time is the only way to curb the spread of the infection and stay protected against any debilitating symptoms.

Unpredictable Flu Season

Wearing masks, maintaining proper hand hygiene, practicing social distancing, all helped keeping us safe against not just COVID-19, but other respiratory illnesses, the flu cases were extremely low last year. However, now that people are less worried about the virus, more relaxed, the tables have somehow turned, causing a certain rise in other viral illnesses, especially the flu.

Need of Getting Vaccinated

This year Covid-19 has made it difficult for people to differentiate between the viruses, so the making of the vaccines this year may have been a bit different and trickier. One must get himself vaccinated and should convince everyone around them to get vaccinated.No vaccine is 100 percent effective. However, it provides a certain level of immunity that protects against severe illnesses.