HEALTH Fever is a common symptom of Covid-19, follow these tips to get rid of it Devisha Keshri Jan 21, 2022 14:08 GMT The most common symptom of Covid-19 is fever. But it is very important to know the difference between flu and corona fever. The outbreak of coronavirus is once again increasing rapidly in the whole world including India. At the same time, after the arrival of the new strain of corona, Omicron Variant, there is a huge jump in the number of cases. The symptoms of Omicron are similar to those of the pre-existing strains, such as fever, cough, tiredness, headache, and body pain. The most common symptom among the symptoms of Covid-19 is fever. It is also called the primary symptom of the corona. Although corona fever is slightly different from normal fever, it is very important to know the difference between flu and corona fever. We will tell you here what is the difference between Covid-19 fever and common fever and how you can get rid of it. Let's know Difference between Covid-19 fever and Flu People who fave flu can usually feel symptoms within 2-3 days while corona symptoms can develop between 1-14 days. On the other hand, the patient may have a fever of 100.4 F or more in corona. Flu does not cause symptoms like loss of smell and taste. But these symptoms are found in corona patients. Shortness of breath is a common problem in corona patients but it does not happen in flu. Follow these tips in fever Rest- Any physical activity can raise your body temperature. That's why you should take a rest when you have a fever. Medicines are not always needed. Getting enough sleep can also strengthen your immune system but if you have a high fever, stiffness in the neck, difficulty in breathing, then contact a doctor immediately. Drink more fluids- Due to fever, there can be a lack of water in the body, which can also lead to the problem of dehydration. Therefore, you should always consume fluids in any fever, flu, viral, or corona. For that, you should consume water, tea, coconut water, and soup Read More Read the Next Article