HEALTH Dark spots can be removed with mustard oil, Let's know-how? Devisha Keshri Jan 17, 2022 12:41 GMT In today's time, people have to face the problems of not only health but also skin due to stress and unhealthy food. At the same time, increasing pollution also harms the skin in many ways. In such a situation, it is necessary to take extra care of the skin. Talking about the damage caused to the skin, it includes acne, dirt in the pores, pimples, tan, and dark spots. To get rid of them, apart from the products available in the market, home remedies can also be tried. Let's know some of the home remedies to get rid of dark spots. Lemon and Mustard oil: Although mustard oil is applied directly on the face, even then it can remove stains, it is believed that this method takes more time to give results. Instead, you can mix lemon juice in mustard oil and apply it to the face. Apply a mixture of lemon and mustard oil on the face and leave it for 15 minutes. Use a face wash only to remove it. Do this four times a week and see the difference. Coconut and Mustard oil: Applying mustard oil mixed with coconut oil is also considered beneficial for the skin. Coconut oil is effective in retaining the moisture of the skin and with this, dryness on the skin in winter can be kept away. Apply coconut and mustard oil on the face and leave it for 15 minutes after the massage. Doing this 4 times a week can get rid of dark spots. Face pack: To make a face pack of mustard oil, mix one spoon of gram flour, one spoon of curd, and a little lemon juice in it. Apply this pack on the face and wash the face after 15 minutes. Skin blemishes will be reduced by this. Do this step twice a week and see the difference. Read More Read the Next Article