Avoiding diabetes is very easy, just adopt a healthy lifestyle instantly

 Avoiding diabetes is very easy, just adopt a healthy lifestyle instantly

India is called the capital of diabetes because it has the biggest number of people suffering from this disease in the world. There will barely be any family where there is no diabetic patient. This disease is also generally called 'Sugar'.

The major reason for diabetes is our bad lifestyle, according to specialists, if lifestyle changes are made and food and drink are controlled, then this disease can be controlled to a huge extent. This disease is increasing quickly in India, so it is very important to be aware of diabetes.

Crisis to people of all ages

Diabetes was earlier often found in people above 40 years of age, but now every age group is a victim of this disease, in the last few years the number of diabetes among youth has increased by about 10 percent. So if you are young then do not even think that you cannot have diabetes.

Maintain the weight

According to doctors, the best way to control diabetes is to control your weight. Men should take care that their waist should not be more than 90 cms and women's waist should not be more than 80 cms.

Daily workout is very important

Daily workout is very important for all people to avoid diabetes. If working out in the gym is not possible, then start walking or jogging for at least 30 minutes every day. Weight stays under control even by climbing stairs.