HEALTH Are you distressed about gaining weight? Use these 3 scientific methods Devisha Keshri Feb 03, 2022 09:33 GMT Weight gain has become a common problem, if you want to get rid of it, then instead of starving yourself, you can use scientific techniques, you will get the benefit. Many people are troubled by the increasing weight due to the current lifestyle, apart from this, due to the culture of 'work from home' and 'home delivery', it is very less for the young and middle age group to leave the house, which has a direct effect. It falls on your overall weight. Lose weight with these 3 scientific methods It is very important to reduce the increasing weight, but the use of wrong methods can lead to less benefit and more harm. That's why you must follow these 3 scientific methods after taking the advice of a doctor, hopefully, it will help in meeting your weight loss goal. Eat Less Refined Carbohydrates If you want to lose weight soon, then reduce refined carbohydrates along with sugar and starch in your diet. Instead, include whole grains in your diet. If you do this, the appetite will decrease and the calorie intake will automatically decrease. Include protein and vegetables in the diet There should be protein sources, fat sources and vegetables in every meal. Eat meat, fish, eggs, beans, tofu, tangerines, tempeh in healthy proteins. In green leafy vegetables, eat broccoli, cauliflower, spinach greens, cabbage and cucumber. Your body also needs healthy fat, so cook food in avocado and olive oil, reduce the use of butter and coconut oil as the amount of saturated fat can be high in it. Exercise Regularly With regular exercise, you can lose weight fast. Lifting heavy things helps you burn calories and metabolism is also good. Go to the gym at least 4 times a week and take the advice of a trainer. Apart from this, doing some cardio like walking, jogging, running, cycling and swimming provides great benefits. Read More Read the Next Article