Annual Health Check Up: Important! Five Must Include Tests to Keep Your Body in Perfect Condition, Check Here

 Annual Health Check Up: Important! Five Must Include Tests to Keep Your Body in Perfect Condition, Check Here

Annual Health Check Up: Frequent check-ups are essential for preserving general health and identifying possible health problems early on. Reputable medical expert Dr. Priyanka Sehrawat recently posted on her Instagram account the five crucial tests that, regardless of age, ought to be a part of every person's yearly physical.

Understanding Hemoglobin Levels

The Complete Blood Count is the first item on the list (CBC). When evaluating hemoglobin levels, which can reveal diseases like anemia or nutritional deficiencies, Dr. Sehrawat stresses the significance of the complete blood count (CBC). Furthermore, CBC helps with diagnosis and treatment by shedding light on the underlying causes of anemia.

Dr. Sehrawat then emphasizes the importance of the kidney function test (KFT) and liver function test (LFT). These tests are necessary to assess how well the kidneys and liver are working, as these organs are vital to maintaining general health and vitality.

Unveiling Thyroid Health

Dr. Sehrawat suggests the Thyroid Function Test (TFT) as the third test. She emphasizes how common hypothyroidism is and specifically mentions how tired people of all ages are affected by it. It is recommended to regularly screen for thyroid disorders, particularly after the age of 30, in order to effectively diagnose and treat them.

Next, Dr. Sehrawat emphasizes the significance of testing for vitamin B12. Fatigue, neuropathy, anemia, and other health problems can result from a vitamin B12 deficiency. It is also mentioned as a frequent cause of memory loss, especially in younger people, so early detection is crucial for optimum health.