HEALTH 5 healthy and quick breakfasts that you can enjoy while working from home. Devisha Keshri Feb 02, 2022 12:28 GMT For the last 2 years, Covid-19 is spreading its feet. The figures are increasing every day, due to which we all went back to the work from home mode. The increasing cases and the threat of viruses again forced everyone to work from home. Staying at home is having the biggest impact on our diet. Because neither we are eating on time nor eating healthy, whereas healthy food is very important for a healthy body and it starts with a healthy breakfast. There are some incredibly tasty breakfast recipes, which you can prepare quickly in the morning and they are healthy too. Let's know about them below; Banana and Nut Shake Banana and Nut Shake is a healthy breakfast, to make it, take 2 bananas, 1 cup milk, 4 chopped almonds, 2 walnuts, 2 tablespoons honey and 2 tablespoons of various seeds and blend them all. Your tasty and healthy shake is ready. Granola and Curd Take granola with yoghurt and fresh berries. In this, you can take the granola of your choice. Then mix it well and enjoy it for breakfast. Egg Protein Shake To make an egg protein shake, take 1/3 cup yoghurt, 1 egg and 1/2 cup fresh fruit juice. Then blend all these things well. If you like it cold, keep it in the fridge. Fruit Salad To make fruit salad, first, take some seasonal fruits or any fruit you like, wash it and cut it into small pieces, then add lemon and salt and eat it. Green Smoothie A green smoothie is more suitable in the cold season because many types of green leafy vegetables come in this season. To make it, take spinach leaves, 1 banana, 1/2 amla, 1 carrot and 2 tbsp chia seeds and mix them in a mixer. To make the smoothie tasty after blending, add salt, black pepper, half a teaspoon of lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of honey to it. After this, consume Tasty-Tasty Smoothie. This will make you feel fresh throughout the day. Read More Read the Next Article