CURRENT AFFAIRS Health Tips: From caffeinated drinks to spicy foods, five eatery items that affect sleeping patterns Aparna Singh Jun 22, 2023 13:00 GMT Getting enough sleep is very important for a healthy body. It is necessary for an adult to get 8 to 9 hours of sleep. In the rush of work and modern technology, Human beings are ignoring the importance of sleep. Spending more time on mobile or laptop at night, night outs, parties and functions, all these hinder sleep. Apart from this, there are many food items that if you eat then you may have to face the problem of less sleep. Scroll below to know more. Must read: Top 5 reasons why you should stop eating junk food and switch to balanced diet! Avoid caffeinated items To drive away laziness and fatigue, coffee and tea first come to mind. Apart from this, caffeinated items also come in handy. But the consumption of all these liquids reduces sleep. Caffeine contains elements that act on the central nervous system, which makes us feel refreshed and alert. Do not eat spicy food If you eat spicy food before sleeping, then you face the problem of lack of sleep. Eating spicy food can cause stomach indigestion, heat burn, acid reflux which causes irritation, due to which you may have to stay awake throughout the night. High glycemic index foods and added sugar leads to lack of sleep Food in which high glycemic index is found increases the sugar level of the body. Carbs are high in sweet food, which is the main reason for sleeplessness. When research was done on eating high glycemic index, mixed results were obtained, in which there was a complaint of lack of sleep after the consumption of this food, while other reports suggested a decline in the ability to get sick. Avoid Fatty foods Consumption of oily or fatty food disturbs the sleep pattern. Food items that are high in oil and cholesterol should be avoided. Along with sleep, it also invites other diseases. Do not eat fast foods and packaged items Fast food or packaged food is harmful for sleep. Research suggests that eating such food can cause difficulty in sleeping or not sleeping at all. Eating fast food increases the problem of weight gain which is the basic cause of many other diseases. This material, including advice, provides general information only. It is in no way a substitute for a qualified medical opinion. Take the methods, and claims mentioned in this article as suggestions only; DNP India does not confirm or refute them. Consult a doctor before implementing any such suggestions/ treatment/medicine/diet. Also read: Afternoon naps: Unlocking the Youthful Brain! UCL Study hails siestas as Brain Health Elixir Keep watching our YouTube Channel ‘DNP INDIA’. Also, please subscribe and follow us on FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM, and TWITTER Read More Read the Next Article