CURRENT AFFAIRS Big disclosure about Covid-19, The world is battling not one but two epidemics Devisha Keshri Jan 16, 2022 22:55 GMT As the cases of corona in the country are increasing. The fear of it is also increasing in people. Omicron has brought back the feeling of fear in the minds of the people. The third wave of the corona has also started in the country. Due to which the possibility of lockdown has also increased in many states of the country. According to a report, meanwhile, renowned virologist, former head of the Indian Council of Medical Research, Dr. T Jacob John has made a big disclosure about the omicron variant. He says that the country is going through two epidemics. He attributed the threat posed by Delta to Omicron two pandemics. Due to this so much devastation is happening in the country. Let us tell you that recently there had been a decrease in the cases of covid in South Africa. According to the report of WHO, there has been some improvement in the fourth wave of corona infection in South Africa. It is expected that in the coming days, the matter will completely cool down. Scientists say that the lineage of Omicron has not yet been traced, but definitely has some connection with Wuhan-D614G, from which this epidemic started. Read More Read the Next Article